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As a former small business owner, Scott Perry understands that excessive taxes and over-regulation prevent small businesses from creating jobs and prospering.

Inflation, the economy, and jobs continue to concern most Americans. Biden-Harris and the radical Left’s spending increases have spiked inflation, weakened the economy, eliminated well-paying jobs, and ruined small businesses.

Scott opposes Biden-Harris’ tax-and-spend increases on small businesses and working families. He’ll continue to fight for:

  • A Balanced Budget Amendment
  • Less government regulation
  • Reducing the National debt
  • Lowering taxes on families and small businesses.


The Biden-Harris Administration’s reprehensible, dangerous, and failed border policies have resulted in a National security threat. Under Biden, over 5 million illegals have flooded into our Country and communities – many of whom are drug dealers, human traffickers, and violent criminals.

America is a proud and diverse nation made up different ethnicities and generations of (legal) immigrants. Scott Perry – whose grandmother emigrated from Colombia in search of greater freedom and opportunity for her family  supports a strong, legal immigration system. He supports:

  • Securing our borders;
  • Deporting violent criminals, drug dealers and terrorists;
  • Banning sanctuary cities;
  • Providing Border Patrol agents with the resources to do their jobs.


Scott Perry firmly believes that we can balance our Nation’s energy needs while  still protecting our environment.  

The Biden-Harris anti-American energy policies threaten our National security and have ruined our economy.  America must be energy independent to grow our economy and maintain our  security.  Pennsylvania plays a critical role in returning America to energy independence by supporting our vast natural gas reserves and harnessing hydroelectric and nuclear power.

Scott Perry supports a blended energy portfolio that includes the development of clean energy technologies and using our vast energy resources – to reduce our dependence on foreign energy, turn around the economy, create jobs, reduce inflation, make energy more affordable, and preserve our environment.

Medicare & Social Security

Social Security and Medicare are benefits hard-earned by our Senior Citizens. Scott Perry knows that we must keep our promise to our Seniors, by preserving and protecting Medicare and Social Security. He is opposed to the socialist “Medicare for All” and single-payer healthcare, and any attempt to provide illegals and non-U.S. citizens with Social Security and/or Medicare benefits.


The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was supposed to reduce healthcare costs and provide greater healthcare options. It failed – spectacularly. The American healthcare system must be reformed to reduce costs, improve the quality of care, and increase access to coverage.

Scott Perry opposes any attempt by the radical Left to implement a socialist-style, government-run healthcare system. He supports reforms that:

  • Ensure coverage of pre-existing conditions;
  • Reduce the costs of prescription drugs;
  • Allow patients and doctors to make healthcare decisions – not insurance companies and the government;
  • Expand health savings accounts;
  • Allow individuals to purchase healthcare across state lines.

Title IX: Women in Sports

Title IX(9) is the landmark federal civil rights law that was enacted as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX was enacted to promote women’s athletics. Since its introduction, female athletic participation in both high school and college has dramatically increased.

The Biden-Harris Administration and the radical Left are now directly attacking women and women’s sports by requiring schools to allow men who “self-identify” as female to compete against women.

As the father of two daughters, Scott opposes any attempt to allow males to compete against females in women’s sports.

The “woke” Left’s attack on women’s sports:

  • Deprives women of privacy, safety, and opportunities;
  • Negatively impacts educational / career opportunities for women;
  • Risks the physical safety of women and girls.

Transportation and Infrastructure

One of the core functions of government is to maintain a safe, secure, and efficient transportation infrastructure system that supports interstate commerce and strengthens America’s competitive edge in the global economy. As a Member of the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure, Scott Perry has introduced and supported bills to strengthen our roads, bridges, airports, seaports, and other infrastructure projects, all of which are critical to growing our economy and creating jobs.


Agriculture is one of Pennsylvania’s biggest industries. Tens of thousands of families throughout Pennsylvania serve as stewards of millions of acres of farmland. Scott Perry understands how critical that agriculture and agribusiness are for families and jobs in Central Pennsylvania. At age 13, Perry’s first job was as picking fruit at Ashcombe’s Farm in Mechanicsburg , where he grew great respect for the hard work and dedication of Pennsylvania’s farm families. He’s worked with the agricultural community to reduce unnecessary and crippling federal regulations that impede their ability to farm. Our Nation cannot survive without our farmers.

Second Amendment

Scott Perry remains a staunch advocate of our Constitution’s Second Amendment, and the rights of all Americans to protect themselves and their families. Like all of our Constitutional rights, Scott Perry continues to remain vigilant against any effort to limit those freedoms and/or erode our civil liberties.

Defending Life

Scott Perry believes firmly in the sanctity of Life – period. He makes exceptions for circumstances that involve rape, incest, and danger to the life of the mother. He opposes late-term and partial birth abortion, as well as forcing Taxpayers to fund abortion. He supports parental consent for procedures involving a minor, and supports the defunding of Planned Parenthood and shifting its funding to local health clinics to provide valuable women’s health services.


As a Combat Veteran who served for nearly 40 years in uniform, Scott Perry knows and understands firsthand the sacrifices made by Veterans and their families to protect our safety, security, freedom, and liberty. Scott is tireless and relentless in his pursuit to honor our Service Members, and continues to support legislation to:

  • Reform the Veterans Administration to make it more accountable;
  • Provide more healthcare options for Veterans and their families;
  • Provide greater education benefits for Veterans;
  • Provide cutting edge treatment for Veterans with PTSD.