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Join Patriots for Perry

    Vote for Congressman Scott Perry on Nov. 5th
    Vote for Congressman Scott Perry on Nov. 5th

    Scott Perry is the Representative for Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District, bringing a diverse background in business, military, and community service to the U.S. House of Representatives. Initially a Pennsylvania State Representative, Perry has served in Congress since 2013, transitioning to the 10th District in 2018. He serves on the Transportation & Infrastructure, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight & Accountability Committees and previously chaired the House Freedom Caucus.

    Perry’s life reflects hard work and perseverance. Raised by a single mother in a humble home. He started working at 13 and co-founded a mechanical contracting firm. With nearly 40 years in the military, he achieved the rank of Brigadier General, commanding units in Iraq and earning a Master’s in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College. Active in his community, Perry has held various local leadership roles. He lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, Christy, and their two daughters.

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    As a former small business owner, Scott Perry understands that excessive taxes and over-regulation prevent small businesses from creating jobs and prospering…

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    Joe Biden’s reprehensible, dangerous, and failed border policies have resulted in a National security threat.  Under Biden, over 5 million illegals have flooded into our Country and communities – many of whom are drug dealers, human traffickers, and violent criminals.

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    Scott Perry firmly believes that we can balance our Nation’s energy needs while  still protecting our environment…

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    Medicare & Social Security

    Social Security and Medicare are benefits hard-earned by our Senior Citizens during the course of their lifetimes.  Scott Perry knows that we must keep our promise to our Seniors, by preserving and protecting Medicare and Social Security…

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    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was supposed to reduce healthcare costs and provide greater healthcare options.  It failed – spectacularly.  The American healthcare system must be reformed to reduce costs, improve the quality of care, and increase access to coverage.

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    Title IX​

    Title IX(9) is the landmark federal civil rights law that was enacted as part of the Education Amendments of 1972.  Title IX was enacted to promote women’s athletics.  Since its introduction,  female athletic participation in both high school and college has dramatically increased.

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    Transportation and Infrastructure

    One of the core functions of government is to maintain a safe, secure, and efficient transportation infrastructure system that supports interstate commerce and strengthens America’s competitive edge in the global economy. 

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    Agriculture is one of Pennsylvania’s biggest industries.  Tens of thousands of families throughout Pennsylvania serve as stewards of millions of acres of farmland. Scott Perry understands how critical  that agriculture and agribusiness are for families and jobs in Central Pennsylvania.

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    Second Amendment

    Scott Perry remains a staunch advocate of our Constitution’s Second Amendment, and the rights of all Americans to protect themselves and their families.  Like all of our Constitutional rights, Scott Perry continues to remain vigilant against any effort to limit those freedoms and/or erode our civil liberties.

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    Defending Life

    Scott Perry believes firmly in the sanctity of Life – period. He makes exceptions for circumstances that involve rape, incest, and danger to the life of the mother. He opposes late-term and partial birth abortion, as well as forcing Taxpayers to fund abortion.

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    As a Combat Veteran who served for nearly 40 years in uniform, Scott Perry knows and understands firsthand the sacrifices made by Veterans and their families to protect our safety, security, freedom, and liberty.

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    Scott Perry for Congress1 day ago
    FARMER’s FAIR FANTASTIC PARADE 109th! I look forward every year to this and it keeps getting better and better. THANK YOU, Dillsburg – I remain proud to call you my friends, neighbors, and HOME ♥️